Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All About Breakfast: French Toast

To start I like to go to the bakery and pick up a fresh uncut loaf of bread. Lately I have been loving the honey whole wheat loaf. I like it uncut as I enjoy my french toast to be thick!

4 Pieces of Bread
1 Cup Whole Milk
2 Large Eggs
2 Tablespoons Vanilla
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Butter

To start whisk together milk, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon.
In a shallow sauce pan melt butter over medium heat.
Coat both sides of bread in mixture.
Cook coated bread on one side till golden brown then flip. About 5 minutes.
Put on a plate, drizzle with maple syrup and and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I like to add some fruit and yogurt on the side.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Angela's Truth

This book is amazing. Once I picked Angela’s Truth up I wasn’t able to put it down. The story has many twists and turns with a very developed plot. First time author, S. M. Dougan, has a very cleaver writing style. 

Angela Michaels is the child of an anonymous sperm donor. The man she had known as her father died when she was very young and she was raised by her mother, a successful self-made business woman. With Angela's marriage to millionaire-philanthropist, Philip Evans, fast approaching she is determined to find her biological father and have him give her away.

Unable to secure her mother's assistance, Angela in her youthful innocence begins the quest alone. After failing to convince the sperm bank to provide her with the information she wanted, Angela is approached by an unscrupulous computer tech, Dwayne Smythe, who is willing to help her... for a price.

Armed with the information Dwayne provides, Angela hires rough and worn ex-police detective turned private investigator, Richard Johnson.

When Philip is found murdered, Angela becomes the prime suspect. However, senior police detective Sam Davidson, not believing Angela is guilty, sets out to find the identity of the real killer.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Need something quick and easy for an upcoming cocktail party?

What you will need:
Strawberries with steams washed
Dark chocolate chips
Baking sheet lined with parchment paper
Microwave safe bowl or double boiler


1. Place baking sheet on the counter next to where you will be working.
2. Cook chocolate chips in microwave (30 seconds on defrost, continue in 10 second intervals. Mix between) or double boiler till melted.
3. Grab strawberries by the steam and dip and swirl them into the chocolate.
4. Remove from chocolate and swirl to remove excess chocolate.
5. Place on baking sheet or cake tray. (repeat)
6. Let cool for 30 minutes and serve.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tipping Etiquette

When it comes to traveling you already have so much to think about. What to bring? What to see? Do you have your passport? What currency do they use? Etc. Personally throughout my travels the hardest thing for me was how the currency in the country I was in converted to the American dollar. After looking at this map below I realized I over tipped to the extreme. Better then under tipping and feeling like a jerk but bad for my pocket! I thought I would share with you this map so others don't make my mistake. Enjoy!
Tipping Etiquette

Friday, February 17, 2012

Peek into the Life of a (Future) Hockey Wife

Welcome to my little piece of blog world,

I am a hockey wife to be and my fiancé’s hockey career has taken us across the pond to Europe. Between planning the wedding of our dreams, 4 big moves a year, and the daily experiences we get while living abroad this seemed like a wonderful way to document our adventures!

We recently got back to my home town where we will spend the majority of our summer. I will be working, and my fiancé will be training for the upcoming season.  As for the upcoming season, we are currently in limbo waiting to find out where we will be spending the 2011/2012 season. Though the season is over hockey rarely leaves our world. Upon return from Europe we spent a month in my fiancé's home town where playoff hockey was always on or we were attending minor league games and he could see old teammates. Once the playoffs are over the stressful waiting game of finding out where we are going come next season will arrive!

As for now we are just looking forward to getting together with friends and family and enjoying a relaxing summer in North America! One thing you learn quickly while traveling are what comforts you miss most from home. Believe me when I say we have been indulging in all of the unhealthy treats we missed and will continue to indulge throughout the summer.

For a sneak peek into the life of a (future) hockey wife check back for updates and join us on our journey.