Friday, February 17, 2012

Peek into the Life of a (Future) Hockey Wife

Welcome to my little piece of blog world,

I am a hockey wife to be and my fiancé’s hockey career has taken us across the pond to Europe. Between planning the wedding of our dreams, 4 big moves a year, and the daily experiences we get while living abroad this seemed like a wonderful way to document our adventures!

We recently got back to my home town where we will spend the majority of our summer. I will be working, and my fiancé will be training for the upcoming season.  As for the upcoming season, we are currently in limbo waiting to find out where we will be spending the 2011/2012 season. Though the season is over hockey rarely leaves our world. Upon return from Europe we spent a month in my fiancé's home town where playoff hockey was always on or we were attending minor league games and he could see old teammates. Once the playoffs are over the stressful waiting game of finding out where we are going come next season will arrive!

As for now we are just looking forward to getting together with friends and family and enjoying a relaxing summer in North America! One thing you learn quickly while traveling are what comforts you miss most from home. Believe me when I say we have been indulging in all of the unhealthy treats we missed and will continue to indulge throughout the summer.

For a sneak peek into the life of a (future) hockey wife check back for updates and join us on our journey.

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